
Common Searches

Utility Failure

Utility failure disrupts the normal operations of our campus. They may be short or long in duration.

In case of an on-campus utility failure (electric, water, gas) immediately call Facilities Management at 314-516-6320 or Campus Police at 314-516-5155.

Provide information regarding the:

  • Building name and affected area
  • Nature of problem
  • The reporting party’s telephone number

The most common type of utility failure is electrical.

Emergency lighting is temporary and is not designed to allow continued building operations.

The University of Missouri policy addresses emergency campus closures. The Chancellor has the authority to temporarily suspend campus operations through a partial or full campus closure under unusual and emergency circumstances. These circumstances include natural, mechanical or man-made incidents. The Chancellor will determine if employees are to continue working or to leave the building.[1]

Exit corridors and stairs should be evacuated while emergency lights are on.

If someone is believed to be confined in an elevator, call Campus Police at 314-516-5155.

[1]UM SystemHR-217