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在c UMSL护理团队工作ampus community to identify students of concern with the goal of providing early intervention strategies, prevention of risk escalation, and student support in order to foster and maintain a safe and positive learning environment for all members of the campus community.

The UMSL CARE Team creates a mechanism for regular and consistent communication and information sharing across campus regarding incidents and students of concern.


  • Facilitate centralized reporting and investigation
  • Gather and analyze information regarding incidents of concern
  • Assess and respond to incidents or students of concern
  • Provide interventions, support, and referrals
  • Communicate and coordinate with campus community members
  • Maintain records of incidents and students of concern
  • Discuss emerging trends and risks which adversely impact campus community
  • Provide campus trainings/presentations

Standing Members

The team consists of university personnel with expertise in equity, law enforcement, threat assessment, university operations, medical and mental health, student affairs, and academic affairs. In an effort to support the Team and assist those in need, additional UMSL personnel will be included when appropriate.

  • Director, Student Advocacy and Care - Robin Kimberlin(Chair)
  • Assistant Director, Student Conduct & Academic Integrity – Kasey Fraser-Smith (Co-Chair)
  • Associate Vice Provost, Student Affairs - Dr. D'Andre Braddix
  • Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences - Dr. Birgit Noll
  • Deputy Commander of Special Operations, Campus Police – Lt. David Woods
  • Director, Residential Life – Jackie Warren
  • Director, Health, Counseling & Disability Access Services – Chris Sullivan
  • Title IX Coordinator/Chief Equity Officer – Dana Daniels
  • Case Manager, Student Social Services - Shereka Kemp

Information shared within this group is used solely for the purpose of assessment and determining appropriate interventions, support, and any necessary university response to incidents and students of concern. We use discretion when sharing information with those outside of this group and only disclose sensitive information when necessary to respond to an incident.

It is important to understand that the UMSL CARE Team is not a substitute for the University's disciplinary process, campus police, or any other campus processes. Any member of the campus community who feels they are in imminent danger should contact campus police immediately at 314-516-5155.

If you would like to report an incident of concern to the CARE Team, please submit aCARE Referral Form.