


Major, BS



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Bachelor of Science in Physics -


这BS in Physics with an Emphasis in Astrophysics is designed to prepare students for a broad-based education in astrophysics with the experimental, observational and theoretical skills essential to practicing astronomers and astrophysicists. An undergraduate degree in astrophysics prepares students for both graduate study and professional careers in astronomy, atmospheric science, image processing, cosmology and instrumentation.

Outcomes and Career Outlook

Upon completion of the BS in Physics, Astrophysics Emphasis graduates will be able to demonstrate an understanding of basic physics concepts including classical mechanics, electricity, magnetism, thermal and statistical physics, modern optics and quantum mechanics; demonstrate an understanding of basic principles and concepts of modern astrophysics and observational astronomy; perform astronomical observations, reduce and critically interpret their data; be skilled in problem solving, critical thinking and analytical reasoning as applied to scientific problems; proficient in both written and oral communication of the results of scientific work; conduct original scientific research as part of a problem-solving team; identify possible errors in scientific data; and assess the significance of observed results.

Graduates of physics programs are always in demand across a wide range of academia and business sectors.Employment of physics majors is projected to grow up to 5% to 2029, with a median annual salary of $86,752根据美国劳工统计局和payscale.com的工资和就业数据。


Median annual salary


Employment growth by 2029

Career Pathways

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Astronomy
  • 天体物理学研究
  • Atmospheric Science
  • 气象
  • 博物馆教育
  • 天文馆技术艺术家/编程
  • Researcher in National Laboratory
  • 望远镜操作




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Student organizations

From leadership, to cultural, to just plain fun,公认的学生组织在UMSL,可以轻松参与。加入RSO的学生结交新朋友,学习新技能并在课堂上表现更好。另外,校园内有120多个学生组织,每个人都有一些东西!你可能会喜欢:

Honors College

UMSL Honors Collegeis a certificate program that can be paired with any major without adding extra classes or extending time to graduate. Classes in the Honors College are seminar-style, meaning that they are based in reading, writing, discussion, and critical thinking. This unique class format fosters an intellectual climate centered around democracy, diversity, civility and academic excellence.

