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12th Annual: Trunk or Treat 2021

Trunk or Treat is a service event that is geared towards UMSL families and the surrounding community. It is intended to provide:

1. A safe and a fun way for families to enjoy Halloween festivities

2. Early exposure of a collegiate environment to children

3. Increase the community's knowledge about the campus

The attendees will enjoy various activity booths, followed by "Trunk-or-Treating." This will allow the attendees to go from trunk to trunk to get treats!

Organizations and departments can sign up to provide activity booths, trunks, or both from September 15 to October 15.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Foram Patel, osiservice@umsl.edu

As UMSL returns to in-person campus events, please remember the following:

  • All faculty, staff, students and visitors age five and older are required to wear a face mask when entering or occupying university facilities regardless of vaccination status.
  • Wearing a face mask outdoors, especially in group settings, continues to be strongly encouraged.
  • While face masks may be removed while consuming food or beverage, individuals are encouraged to maintain a safe social distance while doing so if space allows.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present. We cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during events or activities hosted on the University of Missouri – St. Louis campus.

Saturday, October 30 at 12:00pmto2:00pm

Millennium Student center- Parking Lot E