UMSL Alumni Association draws over 200 participants in inaugural 5K Run & Walk

UMSL校友5K Run&Walk

首届UMSL校友5K Run&Walk吸引了204个竞争对手,参加了一个风景秀丽的巡回赛校园。(八月詹妮海的照片)

周六早上,晴朗而晴朗的天气和一条红色的UMSL衬衫带到了密苏里大学– ST的Blanche M. Touhill表演艺术中心外的圆圈。必威是大平台吗路易。

正式,有204名校友,教职员工,学生和朋友聚集在那里UMSL校友5K Run&Walk,但是一旦将组织者,支持者和一些土匪弄清楚,这个数字就会变得更高。

Kamila White,临床心理学副教授指出了一个这样的小违法者。

“那小男孩飞奔下山nd ran by the MSC,” she said. “By the time we got to Woods Hall, he was on his [father’s] shoulders. He ran the rest of the race like that. It was crazy.”


Yang Pan,BS 2021,18:05:02

Alumnus Yang Pan, BS 2021, wins the overall race in 18:05:02


校友订婚主任菲尔·多纳托(Phil Donato)表示:“这是一个很大的参与机会,它使人们回到校园,并有可能为校友会筹集资金。”“我看到了所有这些东西,而且我看到了机会不仅展示了现在的校园外观,还可以使学生群体与校友和其他活动有关。”

UMSL校友会董事会主任过去的总统约瑟夫·布兰纳(Joseph Blanner)在2019年首次提出了5K的想法。多纳托(Donato)和其他人开始了计划过程,想象比赛将在2020年举行,但由于持续的冠状病毒大流行,被迫将其推迟。

史蒂夫·皮克奇(Steve Picucci),主教练UMSL越野和田径队,整理比赛路线,并在整个课程中驻扎他的跑步者,以保持参与者的步伐。Fleet Feetprovided the official race timing, and benefits went to supporting the特里顿储藏室

校长克里斯汀·索博里克(Kristin Sobolik)在比赛结束后,举办了该活动,在颁奖典礼上宣布了整体和年龄段的冠军。

Current students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends all came out for the inaugural race.

总体时间最高的时间是18:05:02的2021年Yang Pan。凯特琳·萨尔莫(Caitlin Salmo)是一名女性总体,在23:47:00结束。

凯特琳(Caitlin)是前与会者,他震惊地发现她赢得了女子比赛。大约五年前,她开始跑步。她的丈夫Brian,BSBA 2006。

“Brian got me into running, and now we love racing together,” she said. “I went to school here, and I had no idea how beautiful the campus is.”

She pointed specifically to the St. Vincent and Ted Jones Trail greenways, which run through and continue off of campus.

Brian agreed, noting that “it was a perfect 5K.”

“I thought it was another way to interact with students and young alumni,” he said. “People who you probably don’t see at the normal alumni events. I’m very grateful for the Alumni Association showing off what the campus has to offer.”

特里顿路易(Louie Triton)在终点线中欢迎跑步者。

吉姆·华莱士(Jim Wallace),1992年,吉姆·华莱士(Jim Wallace)和戴维·麦格劳(David McGraw),学士学位,2011年,马萨诸塞州2013年,2016年,2016年,同意萨尔莫斯(Salmos),但也很乐意与一些当前的学生运动员一起奔跑。

“Back in my day, when I was here, it truly was a commuter college,” Wallace said. “So, this is really impressive, seeing all the young guys, ladies run.”


“That’s a nice addition to get people interested in running and running on campus,” he said. “I see it only getting bigger from here.”

这也是Donato的校友订婚和年度授予Jennifer Jezek-Taussig的副副校长的希望。最初,他们想象该活动可能会吸引大约150次注册,并对投票率感到兴奋。


“我会自己运行,”华莱士说。“如果是这种天气 - 现在是100度,它会杀死我 - 但这真的很愉快。”
