

米娅·艾琳·琼斯(Mia Erin Jones)讨论了她在密苏里大学–ST的学生的经历。必威是大平台吗路易斯(Louis)在圣路易斯毕业生第二学位的发布视频中,债务报告较少。


这一事实强调了解决圣路易斯地区低收入和黑人学生的学位完成差距的关键重要性 - 只有27.5%的黑人成年人25岁以上拥有副学士学位或更高,低于一般人群。

圣路易斯毕业生- 组件基金圣路易斯社区基金会以及旨在解决高等教育中的股权差距的合作 - 旨在为此做些事情。

周三,该小组发布了第二版的债务较少的学位报告,,,,which named the University of Missouri–St. Louis as one of the top five institutions in the state that have strategies, practices and policies that support the enrollment and successful graduation of Black and Pell-eligible students. The stated goal of the report was to identify methods that could be adopted widely.

其他大学研究了包括McKendreeUniversity, University of Central Missouri, Southeast Missouri State and Webster University. St. Louis Graduates selected the five institutions based on publicly available data and interviewed administrators and students from each.

In addition to the Degrees with Less Debt report, the effort included a YouTube launch titled第1集:债务减少学位的问候然后进行Twitter聊天。该视频包括与UMSL Chancellor的访谈克里斯汀·索博里克(Kristin Sobolik),入学管理副教务长艾伦·伯德(Alan Byrd)and UMSL student Mia Erin Jones.


The video looked at the motivations of students and highlighted successful strategies first identified in the report.



Several UMSL practices were highlighted for their efficacy.


Financial efforts aimed at seniors were included in this category. In addition to loan repayment education sessions for seniors, the report singled out two senior financial aid efforts: theFinish Your Degree Scholarship高级学位完成计划,前者的接收者为92%的毕业率,后者的毕业率为79%。



她说:“ ​​UMSL在不与至少几个黑人学生领袖交谈的情况下做任何事情,尤其是当它涉及黑人学生,这是我真正非常喜欢的一件事。”

提到的其他UMSL策略是UMSL先生组织服务,包括Bridge Program,,,,which serves 5,000 students and 1,200 parents and has a 100 percent college placement rate. The report also commended the university’s large-scale课程对齐过程,试图简化学位途径和补充同伴指导。

除了SI计划外,该报告还挑出了由助理教务长领导的分层系统支持,以供访问和学术支持Natissia Small通过Student Enrichment and Achievementand多元文化学生服务,,,,which provides targeted support to students with GPAs of less than 2.5 and greater than 2.5 respectively.

提到的其他学生支持包括特里顿储藏室,,,,childcare and Inspire, the mentoring program for transfer students.




Short URL:https://blogs.umsl.edu/news/?p=85806